Comet Neowise and Venus

visual observing sessions
imaging sessions
image post-processing
"The Imperative of Night" narrative
contact us

Welcome to!

offering local "hands-on" observing
(visual and imaging) sessions and instruction
viewing and imaging from Rabbit Valley Observatory
a dark sky location on the mesa just west of Taos, NM


Astro-images of Willis Greiner [copyright Rabbit Valley Observatory/Willis Greiner, 2017 -- all rights reserved]


2017 Total Solar Eclipse as witnessed from Alliance, NE
2017 total solart eclipse composite
Total Solar Eclipse Composite

1 partial in 2017 solar eclipse
2 partial in 2017 solar eclipse
Partial Eclipse In #1
Partial Eclipse In #2
10:29:35 MDT -- 1/1000th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter
10:51:35 MDT -- 1/750th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter
The partial stages were photographed through a reflective Baader solar filter -- such specialized solar filters are quite safe if placed in front of (not behind -- the filter would melt) the heat-generating optics. They can also be used visually. The resultant images are a rather harsh white, so I ran the digital images through Photoshop's #81 photo filter, intensity at 75% (quite high) to obtain a more pleasing, if not really accurate, yellow rendering.

One of the most interesting details of these partial shots, other than the typical Moon-moving-in-front-of-the-Sun phenomena, are the obvious sunspots.

3 partial in 2017 solar eclipse
4 partial in solar eclipse 2017
Partial Eclipse In #3
Partial Eclipse In #4
11:36:17 MDT -- 1/750th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter
11:45:59 MDT -- 1/2000th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter

5 diamond ring 1 2017 solar eclipse
6 second contact 2017 solar eclipse
Second Contact / Diamond Ring #1
Second Contact / Diamond Ring In
click on image above for larger view and detailed description
click on image above for larger view and detailed description

7 baily's beads 2017 solar eclipse
8 chromosphere solar eclipse 2017
Baily's Beads
click on image above for larger view and detailed description
click on image above for larger view and detailed description

9 inner corona 2017 solar eclipse
10 prominences 2017 solar eclipse
Inner Corona
click on image above for larger view and detailed description
click on image above for larger view and detailed description

12 full corona 2017 solar eclipse

Outer Corona
click on image above for larger view and detailed description

12 third contact diamond ring 2017 solar eclipse

Diamond Ring Out
click on image above for larger view and detailed description


13 partial out 2017 solar eclipse
14 partial out 2017 solar eclipse
Partial Eclipse Out #5
Partial Eclipse Out #6
11:55:11 MDT -- 1/750th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter
12:20:14 MDT -- 1/500th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter

15 partial out 2017 solar eclipse
16 partial out 2017 solar eclipse
Partial Eclipse Out #7
Partial Eclipse Out #8
12:26:49 MDT -- 1/1500th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter
note sunspots as discussed above
12:45:21 MDT -- 1/1500th second -- ISO 200 @ f/6 -- 480mm efl through Baader solar filter postprocessed using Photoshop #81 filter
note sunspots as discussed above


Please click on the images of totality to view larger versions and specific imaging data / many larger version titles accessed will link externally to interesting additional information on solar eclipses.




click the rollover image above or this text to access astro-imager Willis Greiner's newest galleries of colorful original astrophotographs
-- these most recent astrophotographs taken using RVO's exemplary Explore Scientific 127mm apochromatic refractor

click this text to access Willis Greiner's original gallery #1 of astrophotographs / these images taken through RVO's original photographic instrument, the 80mm William's Optics Megrez achromatic refractor
click this text to access Willis Greiner's gallery #3 of astrophotographs taken through RVO's original 80mm Megrez achromatic refractor
click this text to access Willis Greiner's gallery #4 of astrophotographs taken through RVO's original 80mm Megrez achromatic refractor


solar eclipse

2024 TSE composite

click the solar eclipse image to the left or this text to access astro-imager Lawrence Greiner's galleries of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse as viewed / photographed from Fredericksburg, TX -- field astrophotographs taken with a Nikon D3500 equipped with a zoom telephoto lens




To correctly and accurately view images such as those seen on this website, it is important to adjust your computer or device's monitor to the neutral gray scale above. First of all, every sector seen above should appear to be shades of a neutral gray -- gradually moving from black to white -- further, each segment should be independently visible, not "oozing into" one another. When your device is correctly calibrated (not so difficult) you will be able to view the images as they were created and intended to be seen.  


visual observing sessions
imaging sessions
image post-processing
"The Imperative of Night" narrative
contact us


(all content copyright 2015-2024 Willis Greiner Photography, all rights reserved)