Welcome to taosastronomer.com!
local "hands-on" observing
(visual and imaging) sessions and instruction
viewing and imaging from Rabbit Valley Observatory
a dark sky location on the mesa just west of Taos, NM
Contact Us
Thank you again for visiting and reviewing taosastronomer.com! If you have any questions whatsoever, or if your interest is piqued, please e-mail me! We can talk about potential hands-on observing or imaging sessions for yourself or perhaps for your group. For hands-on imaging, and remembering that all equipment (including cameras) is provided, I would say that only 1 or 2 participants is realistic, given the size of the observatory and the intensity of the experience. But for hands-on visual observing, more participants can be ideal, as many questions and the resultant discussion can be fun! That said, perhaps 4 visual participants would be ideal. We very well may use more than one 'scope, for visual comparison use. As I indicated previously, such sessions are scheduled to "launch" in the autumn of 2015, perhaps late September or early October. I am always absolutely open to comments, suggestions and your overview of the plan. This idea is still in its infancy; and learning and sharing by and with all interested participants (especially including me!) is important, even tantamount. So please e-mail me with any comments and suggestions whatsoever. A map to the Rabbit Valley Observatory is linked here. News Flash . . . ! Rabbit Valley Observatory has “entertained” its first guests, Jillian and Britton (sp?) from Tulsa! I was honored to spend some dark-sky observing time with these two delightful and extraordinary young people. Thank you so much for visiting, and being my very special first guests! (A side note – when visiting, remember that the temperature drops relatively precipitously at nightfall here in the high desert. Please remember to bring warm wraps, hats and gloves. Jillian and Britton were fine, but later in the winter months it gets very cold.)
Please visit my other websites as listed below and occasionally linked within this website: http://www.astrophotographs.com -- is my original astrophotographs website. Full of information, its design is certainly getting a bit "long in the tooth." But there IS plenty of content, some dated, of course. http://www.willisgreinerphoto.com -- is my "regular" fine art photo website. It does include several astrophotos, and also narratives (some with "sky" themes), most concerning our travels around the world. Enjoy! http://www.photofantasia.com -- is a website featuring hand-painted black and white photography; photos provided by myself and hand-painted by my wife, Cheryl Price, who features her beautiful painting and sculpture at yet another website, linked here.
Thanks again for visiting the website! |
(all content copyright 2015-2019 Willis Greiner Photography, all rights reserved)